Successful exchange at the first joint Department Research Day
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The Dean of the department, Prof. Nicole Burzan, opened the first Department Research Day. In a stimulating panel discussion, the perspectives of the department profile "Life in Transformation" with its five key topics were highlighted: Prof. Martina Brandt represented the focus area "Ageing societies, family and life course". The subject area "Knowledge, Education and Didactics" was presented by Prof. Dorothee Gronostay. Prof. Jürgen Howaldt and Prof. Bernd Sommer discussed the focus area "Social Innovation, Environment and Sustainability." Prof. Mona Motakef spoke about the research field "Inequality, Gender and Migration" and Prof. Maximiliane Wilkesmann explained the topic area "Work, Organization and Technology." At the end of the panel discussion, the participants continued to discuss common perspectives.
Afterwards, the academics from the department and Dr. Gunter Friedrich, a guest from the Vice-Rectorate for Research, used the numerous posters to talk about current research in the areas and discovered exciting synergies.
The Department of Social Sciences is delighted that the event was such a success and is planning to continue the format.
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