The three units of the Department of Social Sciences
The teaching and research units in detail

General Sociology / Prof. Angelika Poferl

Heisenberg-Professorship: Sociology of Work and Organization / Prof. Maximiliane Wilkesmann

Employment and education in old age / Ass. Prof. Laura Naegele (BIBB)

Family & Health / apl. Prof. Christian Deindl

Life Course Sociology / Prof. Hannah Zagel

Sociology of Migration and Education / Prof. Aladin El-Mafaalani

Social Structure and Sociology of Ageing Societies / Prof. Martina Brandt

Sociology of Gender Relations / Prof. Mona Motakef

Sociology with the focus on Social Inequality / Prof. Nicole Burzan

Sociology of Science and Technology / Prof. Cornelius Schubert

Environmental Sociology with a Focus on Transformation Research / Prof. Bernd Sommer
Further Research Areas
Subcultures of Contemporary Societies / AOR Dr. Arne Niederbacher
Coopted Professors
Senior Professorship
Social Research Center (SFS)
Other research areas of the Social Research Center
Sociodigital transformation of work and organisation / Dr. Ralf Kopp
Work, Organisation, Gender / Dr. Lisa-Marian Schmidt
Innovation and education in the digital society / Dr. Jennifer Eckhardt
Labour Policy and Health / Kerstin Guhlemann
Transformative Governance in Cities and Regions / Jürgen Schultze
Institute for Interdisciplinary Didactics (IDIF)

Didactics of Social Sciences with an Emphasis on Empirical Research in Political Education / Prof. Dorothee Gronostay

Didactics of Integrative Subjects »General Studies« and »Social Sciences« / Prof. Thomas Goll

Economic and Social Geography / Prof. Ludger Basten
Interdepartmental Cooperations | |
Statististical Methods in Social Sciences | Department of Statistics Prof. Dr. Philipp Doebler | website |
Former Professors | |
General Sociology Prof. Dr. Ronald Hitzler | website |
Migration Sociology Jun-Prof. Dr. Karolina Barglowski | website |
Sociology of Work Prof. Dr. Hartmut Neuendorff | Wikipedia |
Social Gerontology and Life Course Research Prof. Dr. Monika Reichert | website |
Social Gerontology Prof. Dr. Gerhard Naegele | website |
Sociology of Gender Relations Prof. Dr. Michael Meuser | website |
Sociological Gerontology und Geragogy Prof. Dr. Ludger Veelken (1938-2022) | video |
Economic ans Industrial Sociology Prof. Dr. Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen | website |