Farewell lecture by Prof. Monika Reichert
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The Dean, Prof. Nicole Burzan, opened the social science colloquium with a greeting to Prof. Monika Reichert and looked back on their collaboration. Monika Reichert then gave her farewell lecture on the topic of “20 years of research and teaching at the intersection of psychology and sociology - a personal look back”. She gave the attending colleagues, long-time companions, current and former students and other interested participants interesting and personal insights into the most important stages of her impressive academic career. The attendees honored the successful lecture with prolonged applause and standing ovations.
Following her lecture, Monika Reichert received personal greetings from long-time companions of her career as well as a farewell gift, which the Dean presented to her on behalf of the entire faculty. The event ended with many good wishes and good conversations over drinks.
We would like to thank Prof. Monika Reichert for her excellent collaboration.