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Doctoral matters

All applications and inquiries regarding doctoral matters should be addressed to the office of the Doctoral Committee:

Doctoral Committee of the Department of Social Sciences
attn. Chairman Prof. Bernd Sommer
Emil-Figge-Str. 50
44227 Dort­mund


Please note that applications for admission to doctoral studies must be submitted digitally and by mail.

Chairperson of the Doctoral Committee

Vice chairperson of the Doctoral Committee

Secretariat of the doctoral committee

The photo shows Saskia Kreuznacht, Nicole Stadtfeld, Yvonne Zech and Katja Hohns. They form the deanery administration team under the leadership of Managing Director Nicole Stadtfeld. © Nicole Stadtfeld ​/​ TU Dortmund

The Dean's Office administration team processes inquiries about doctoral matters at promotionsausschuss.fk17tu-dortmundde.

The contact person for doctoral matters is Katja Hohns (-6704).


Note on printing the dissertation: In consultation with the reviewers, the dissertation can also be submitted as a double-sided printout.

The following mem­bers of the Doctoral Committee were elected by the Department Council:

  • Prof. Bernd Sommer (chairperson)
  • Jun.-Prof. Dorothee Gronostay (vize chairperson)
  • Prof. Jürgen Howaldt
  • Prof.  Angelika Poferl
  • Prof. Mona Motakef (deputy)
  • Dr. Alina Schmitz
  • Dr. Rick Hölsgens
  • Lukas Conrad Brandt (deputy)
  • Maria Rabadjieva
  • Hanna-Lena Wilmes (deputy)


The habilitation is a university and professional qualification. It enables the person concerned to teach and conduct research independently at a university.

The habilitation regulations can be found at the following link:

Habilitationsordnung der Technischen Univerisität Dortmund vom 02.07.1993 (in German only)