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Social innovation researchers from Brazil present their work at the Social Research Centre Dortmund

Insights into the Social Innovation Observatory of Florianópolis (Brazil)

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The participants infront of the presented topic © sfs
Left to right: Marlon Philipp, Daniel Krüger, Clara Behrend, Karina Maldonado-Mariscal, Pablo Villalobos Mateluna, Carolina Andion, Jürgen Howaldt, Graziela Dias-Alperstedt, Marthe Zirngiebl
Researchers Graziela Dias Alperstedt and Carolina Andion from the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Brazil) present the Social Innovation Observatory and discuss with sfs researchers the pre-conditions for social innovation to succeed.

Social innovation is a global phenomenon. New initiatives emerge and scale their innovations ready to be disseminated by beneficiaries, all over the world. The Social Innovation Observatory, presented by researchers Graziela Alperstedt and Carolina Andion of the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Brazil) at the Social Research Center Dortmund on 18th  September 2023, does not only map Social Innovation Ecosystem of the city of Florianópolis, but connects various actors involved in it. By mapping social innovations in different stages of development addressing a variety of social issues, a network of innovation actors emerges that does not only provide insight into the landscape of social innovation, but initiates processes of co-creation in which innovators and policy-makers work together with researchers to further develop and diffuse  the innovation in thematically defined public arenas. In the discussion that followed, the Brazilian researchers, colleagues from the Social Research Center and innovation researcher Pablo Villalobos Mateluna from the University of Talca (Chile) discussed details of the research and the practical work of the observatory, its objectives and the role of public policy for social innovation. In this context, all of them emphasized the radiance of the National Strategy for Social Innovation and Public Benefit Oriented Enterprises of the Federal Government published on 13th September 2023.

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