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Preparatory workshop

Start: End: Location: Dortmunder U
Event type:
  • Promotionskolleg
Auf dem Foto sitzen vier Personen um einen Tisch und arbeiten zusammen. Eine Frau schreibt etwas auf einen Block. Vor einer anderen Person steht ein Laptop. © pixabay

A preparatory workshop will be held in Dortmund on September 26, 2023 at the Dortmunder U, (Hochschuletage), where the topic of the research training group will be introduced and information about the application process at the Hans-Böckler-Foundation will be presented. Those who are interested can present their doctoral projects for discussion. Applications for this can be sent to until 1.9.2023.

Please send a half-page abstract in German or English to by September 1, 2023. Working languages of the workshop are German and English. The costs for travel, accommodations, and meals can be covered if necessary.

Further information about the program can be found here (in German only).