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Opening ceremony

21.06.2024 Location: DASA Dortmund
Event type:
  • Promotionskolleg
[Translate to English:] © [Translate to English:] Nikolas Golsch​/​TU Dortmund.
[Translate to English:]

‎ To mark the opening of the college, an event will be held on 21.06.2024 on the premises of DASA in Dortmund.

To mark the opening of the college, an event will be held on 21.06.2024 on the premises of DASA in Dortmund. The event will begin with a guided tour of the DASA exhibition. This will be followed by an introduction to the topics of the doctoral program, two scientific key notes and a panel discussion. The evening will conclude with a champagne reception.

Further information on the program can be found here.