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Benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act - BAföG

The Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz - BAföG for short) regulates the support provided by the Federal Republic of Germany, particularly for students. The right to funding under the BAföG depends on many factors, including parental income and assets and academic success. You can obtain advice and information from the BAföG office of the Studierendenwerk Dortmund.

Information from the Studierendenwerk Dortmund


Proof of performance until the end of the 4th semester

For students on the Bachelor's degree course in Sociology, the certificate in accordance with §48 BAFöG is confirmed if the student has achieved the following credits by the end of the 4th semester: at least 90 ECTS.

Please send Form 5 by e-mail to Team 2 of the Examinations Office with a request for the certificate to be issued, stating the semester and date. Your application will be processed as soon as possible and Form 5 will be sent to you.