SOWI colloquium on June 26. 2024 with assistant professor Laura Naegele
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The departement welcomes assistant professor Laura Naegele to the next social science colloquium. Assistant professor Laura Naegele was appointed to the junior professorship "Employment and Education in Old Age" as part of the cooperation agreement with the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.
As part of the social science colloquium in the summer semester 2024, professors of the departement and guests will present current contributions from their own research.
As part of the social science colloquium in the summer semester 2024, professors of the department and guests will present current contributions from their own research.
Next colloquium
June 26, 2024, 16:15-17:45, new: room 2.512 (Emil-Figge-Str. 50)
by assistant professor Laura Naegele
Altersstereotype in (digitalen) Lernumwelten (in German language)
Please register by June 19, 2024: