SAVE THE DATE - Colloquium Summer Semester 2022
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Within the framework of the socio-scientific colloquium in the summer semester 2022, professors of the faculty will present current contributions from their own research. The colloquium will take place in each case from 6.00-7.30 pm this semester. Depending on the pandemic situation, we will decide whether the dates will take place online, hybrid or in presence and inform in time on the website.
26 April 2022 (digital) - postponed to 17 May 2022 (digital)
Prof. Marie Evertsson, Stockholm University
Becoming parents. The transition to parenthood in same-sex and different-sex couples. A multi-method approach.
24 May 2022 (digital)
Prof. Thomas Goll
Forschungsfeld Civic Literacy – Konzeptionelle Fragen und methodische Herausforderungen der Forschung insbesondere mit Kindern. (in German language)
13. Juni 2022 (onsite/hybrid), EF50 / 0.215
12.00 - 1.30 p.m.
Prof. Adriana Piscitelli
Clients, 'friends' and 'lovers': sex workers, crises, kinship and reciprocity
21 June 2022 (onsite/hybrid), P1-05-306
Welcome Prof. Cornelius Schubert, with Prof. Cornelia Kropp and Prof. Johannes Weyer
Soziotechnische Transformationen. Techniksoziologie an Technischen Universitäten (in German language)