Land North Rhine-Westphalia funds project to digitise teacher training in the subject Social Sciences
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Land NRW fördert Projekt zur Digitalisierung der Lehrerbildung im Fach Sozialwissenschaften
The new project "Learning with animated films of real scenes of social science teaching subjects" (abbreviated: LArS) is funded by the federal state of NRW within the framework of the "" funding line. Over the course of two years (2022-2022), an inter-university team of subject teachers will develop a freely accessible, digital teaching-learning programme for the professionalisation of future teachers in the subject Social Sciences. For the project, an existing pool of teaching videos in the form of the innovative animated film format will be made available for teacher training.
Project leadership: Jun-prof. Dr. Dorothee Gronostay (TU Dortmund University, consortium leader), Prof. Dr. Sabine Manzel (University of Duisburg-Essen) and associate professor Dr. Katrin Hahn-Laudenberg (Bergische University of Wuppertal).