Science under changing boundary conditions?

On November 14 and 15, 2024, the annual conference of the Society for Science and Technology Studies will take place at the Hochschuletage in the Dortmunder U.
From the call:
"The framework conditions of science, i.e. the conditions and requirements under which research and teaching take place, have always been in a state of flux. This change is also reflected in science and technology studies, which has always been interested in the institutional, technical and social conditions of science. In recent years, it seems that the boundary conditions for scientific work have once again changed significantly. Currently, for example, the political discussion surrounding the German Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act is bringing the specific working conditions in science into focus. But also the demands for more inter- and transdisciplinarity, the opening up to society as a "third mission" of universities or the turn towards mission-oriented research at EU level - after "Mode 2" and "Triple Helix" - are formulating new expectations for research and teaching, for example along a "Quadruple Helix". In addition, current technical developments are opening up new fields of science; after biotechnology and nanotechnology, machine learning and data analytical processes are not only raising methodological and epistemological questions, but also questions concering power and politics. Last but not least, new social forms of research are emerging, for example in real laboratories, which are being established as new funding formats. In general, science can hardly distance itself from major social issues, such as sustainability, and there are probably good reasons not to do so."
More information and the program can be found on the website of GWTF e.V.