„TU Dortmund in Conversation“ with Martina Brandt and Cornelius Schubert
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As part of the event series "TU Dortmund in Conversation", the Department of Social Sciences is also participating. Prof. Martina Brandt will be part of the panel discussion on the topic of "Health" on May 25, 2023, 17:00 to 18:45 in the Rudolf Chaudoire Pavilion. On "Artificial Intelligence," Prof. Cornelius Schubert will join the subsequent panel discussion on July 6, 2023, 17:00 to 18:45 at the International Meeting Center.
For on-site participation, please register at the following link: https://eveeno.com/tudoig23. You can also follow the event online via Zoom: https://tu-dortmund.zoom.us/j/91058145538?pwd=ZFhCWWozOXN4UGY0TWM0L2lEam9qUT09.
We cordially invite all who are interested!