SOWI colloquium on 13 June 2022 with a lecture by Prof. Adriana Piscitelli
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Clients, 'friends' and 'lovers': sex workers, crises, kinship and reciprocity.
In the summer semester of 2022, professors of the faculty as well as international guests will present current contributions from their own research within the framework of the social science colloquium.
Next colloquium
13 June 2022, 12.00 - 1.30 p.m., EF 50, Room 0.215
by Prof. Adriana Piscitelli
»Clients, 'friends' and 'lovers': sex workers, crises, kinship and reciprocity.«
The colloquium will take place hybrid. Click on the link to join the Zoom meeting:
21 June 2022 (onsite/hybrid), P1-05-306
Welcome Prof. Cornelius Schubert, with Prof. Cornelia Kropp and Prof. Johannes Weyer
»Soziotechnische Transformationen. Techniksoziologie an Technischen Universitäten« (in German language)