SOWI colloquium on July 17. 2024 with professor Monika Reichert
Professor Monika Reichert will be speaking at the next social science colloquium.

Inaugural lecture by Assistant Professor Laura Naegele
Welcome Ms. Laura Naegele to our department!

Welcome Assistant Professor Laura Naegele
Prorector Prof. Nele McElvany presented the certificate of appointment

Opening ceremony
To mark the opening of the college, an event will be held on 21.06.2024 on the premises of DASA in Dortmund.

SPIRE-SAIS Final Conference was a great success
On May 23, the SPIRE-SAIS final conference on skill needs in the EU’s energy-intensive sectors took place at the IBZ of TU Dortmund University.

SOWI colloquium on June 26. 2024 with assistant professor Laura Naegele
The departement welcomes assistant professor Laura Naegele to the next social science colloquium. Assistant professor Laura Naegele was appointed to…

Inaugural lecture held
The Faculty of Social Sciences welcomes Prof. Aladin El-Mafaalani

The Role of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the Ecosystem of Social Innovation
Based on the premise that universities and scientific institutions have important functions in the social innovation ecosystem, TU Dortmund University…

Conference "Perspective Difference - On the Ethnography of Communicative Action"
9th Fieldwork Days, Dortmund, June 21/22, 2024

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