HBS Reseach Training Group „New Challenges in Aging Societies“ Approved at the Department of Social Sciences
How will the shortage of skilled workers develop? What role does lifelong learning play in this? How has the Corona pandemic changed the care sector?…

New report on the German social innovation ecosystem
On 30 November 2022, the results of the analyses of the German social innovation ecosystem within the framework of the KoSI project were published.

Martina Brandt becomes deputy speaker in the scientific advisory board of the DZA

Book announcement: "Spannungsfeld Nichtinanspruchnahme - Wenn Bedürftige auf den Sozialstaat verzichten" (When indigent persons reject the social state)
Sfs researcher Dr. Jennifer Eckhardt publishes study on waiver of welfare benefits by formally eligible individuals

Website of the 9th Government Report on Older People now online

Inclusion of older people in German and Japanese municipalities: civic engagement and COVID-19 pandemic

TU Dortmund awards Rudolf Chaudoire Prize
Award for two outstanding postdocs

SOWI Colloquium on November 23, 2022 with Dr. Miriam Schad and Prof. Nicole Burzan
The social science colloquium at the TU Dortmund starts into the winter semester 22/23

TU Dortmund students in intercultural exchange
Erasmus+ project „ViSAS – Virtual Social Art Stage“ brings young people from 4 countries together in Italy during the artistic autumn camp.