MIKOSS-Lecture with Prof. Dr. Anna Amelina
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Dear interested parties,
in the context of our research project "Migrant Organizations and the Co-Production of Social Security" (MIKOSS) we cordially invite you to our third MIKOSS Lecture on July 15, 2022 from 10:00 to 12:00.
MIKOSS is a cooperation project between the three universities united in the Universitätsallianz Ruhr (UA Ruhr) - the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Ruhr University Bochum as well as the Technische University Dortmund.
Topic: Social Security beyond Methodological Nationalism: On the Integration of Transnational Perspectives on Care, Family and Citizenship
Prof. Dr. Anna Amelina (Professor of Interculturality at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Society, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg)
It is a public lecture to which all interested parties are invited. The lecture will take place online via Zoom. In order to receive the access data, we kindly ask you to register until 12.07.2022 to mikoss@uni-due.de.
We look forward to your participation and a successful exchange with you!
The MIKOSS project team