SAVE THE DATE - Colloquium WiSe 2021/22
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In the winter semester 2021/2021, members of the Department of Social Sciences as well as international guests will present current contributions from their own research within the framework of the social science colloquium. The colloquium will take place at 6.00-7.30 p.m.. The access data will be announced on the website in due time. If the events can take place in presence, we will inform you in time on this website.
26 October 2021
Prof. Mona Motakef
Inaugural Lecture within the framework of the colloquium.
"Geschlechterverhältnisse erforschen. Prekarisierung - Anerkennung - Ungleichheit" (in German language)
30 November 2021
Dr. Muhammed Zaman, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad (Pakistan)
"Exchange Marriages in Pakistan in the Past, Present and Change: Social Structure, Agency and Culture Interplay"
25 January 2022
Jun.-Prof. Karolina Barglowski