New project: 1,2 Million Euros for transition to labour market research
Dr. Bastian Pelka and his team are pleased to announce that they have been awarded a project grant for the project "Arbeiten wie ich es will!".

DAAD Project: Lifeworld Campus. An Ethnographic Research Seminar
DAAD, International Virtual Academic Collaboration 2021/22
Committed female teaching graduates of the TU Dortmund receive awards
Two TU graduates receive the Ruhr 2021 Teacher Training Award for their practice-oriented theses.

SOWI colloquium on 30 November 2021 with a lecture by Dr. Muhammed Zaman
Attend our international guest lecture.

Hybrid inaugural lecture by Prof. Mona Motakef
A successful event!

Democracy report on the state of political education in NRW published
After the presentation in the state parliament, the democracy report on the state of political education in NRW was published.

Welcome Prof. Dr. Cornelius Schubert
Cornelius Schubert has been Professor of Sociology of Science and Technology in the Department of Social Sciences since October 2021.

The Evolving Regions project is presented in the “Welt am Sonntag” newspaper
The Evolving Regions project deals with individual climate adaptation strategies tailored to the regions.

Dortmund in the semi-finals for European Capital of Innovation: iResilience and T-Factor are part of Dortmund's "Innovation Next Door" campaign
The Department of Social Sciences is represented by the Social Research Center Dortmund with two projects.