Digital Day - SFS scientist Dr. Bastian Pelka in interview with NDR
- Fakultät

More than 25 major German associations and companies have joined together to form a broad social alliance and declared the 19th of June as " Digital Day". With over 1,400 campaigns nationwide, the motto "digital for all" was to be spread also during the pandemic. Dr. Bastian Pelka analysed the chances of participation through digitalisation in two programmes of the NDR.
"Digitisation offers opportunities for participation, but it also deepens existing disadvantages and creates new lines of exclusion," analyses Dr. Bastian Pelka. The NDR had devoted two programmes to the Digital Day (Digitaltag) and dealt with topics as diverse as online learning, digital administrative procedures and digital business development. Bastian Pelka contributed the perspective of digital participation and social innovation. His demand: Current digitisation policy focuses too much on technologies and too little on what people want to do with these technologies. It should be the other way around." And: "For the participation of all people, we need digital devices, contents and services that can be used by all, but also support services that are tailored to target groups and can provide them with good support in all questions concerning digitisation.
The two contributions in the NDR-Mediathek:
- NDR-Info zur Frage „Droht die digitale Spaltung der Gesellschaft?“
- NDR 2 Kurier um 5 zur Digitalisierung in der Pandemie (Ab Minute 6:38)