Congratulations on the Ursula Buch Prize!
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Jun. Prof. Dr. Dorothee Gronostay honoured with Ursula Buch Prize
The Ursula Book Prize was awarded this year to Jun. Prof. Dr. Dorothee Gronostay, junior professor at the University of Dortmund, for her work
Argumentative teaching-learning processes in politics lessons - a video study (Springer VS, 2019)
In its statement of reasons, the jury praised Ms Gronostay's monograph, which combines her cumulative dissertation in one work, as a very successful, clear and coherent presentation of research results that meet high academic standards and at the same time have great practical relevance for political education. The work pursues a clearly defined interest in insight, which in its specificity allows for a precise analysis and gains in depth and quality through its clear research focus. Particularly successfully, the empirical procedure and its results are conveyed linguistically. The empirical sub-studies, which build on each other but each pursue their own specific questions, are coherently and coherently integrated into the underlying theoretical model. The mixed-method approach of qualitative and quantitative methods used in the studies is innovative, elaborate and very carefully implemented. The jury praises not only the accuracy of the layout of the studies but also the precision of the presentation of their analyses and findings, which underline not least the discrepancy between normative claim and empirically based theory formation on political education.
We congratulate the prizewinner!
About the Ursula Buch Award of the Society for Political Didactics and Political Youth and Adult Education

The prize bears the name of Ursula Buch. The publisher (1931-2016) has been committed to political education for over 50 years. It has always been a particular concern of hers to inspire young scientists and academics for the subject and to accompany and support them on their way to publication. On 31.10.2005, the Speakers' Circle of the Society for Political Didactics and Political Youth and Adult Education decided to establish a prize for the promotion of young academics. The Ursula Buch Award is donated by Wochenschau Verlag.