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Judith Kaschowitz receives TU Dissertation Award 2021!

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Portrait Judith Kaschowitz © M. Hengesbach
Judith Kaschowitz
Dissertation Award 2021

Informal care as health risk?

Judith Kaschowitz receives the Dissertation Award 2021 of TU Dort­mund for the Department of Social Sciences. In her doctoral thesis on "Informal care as health risk? The role of household, migration and country context" she examines whether informal caregiving is associated with ne­ga­ti­ve health con­se­quences based on data of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). The results indicate need for political action in terms of wel­fare state support for informal caregivers health and wellbeing.

We congratulate Judith on the award!

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